Wednesday 19 September 2012


Suffocating. I need some space to breathe.

I have the tendency to always try to do as many things at one go, then only realizing i have too much on my plate. A habit i can't seem to overcome.
Its difficult to balance so many things at once when you have to commit to all of it.

Application process is pretty much a hassle. Very very tedious work. An obligation, a duty, if i am ever going to be transferring.

Working in Phat Culture has been great. And i enjoy myself. But the commitment to it is really eating me up alive.

Being in the committee is something i enjoy. A lot. But recently, its been feeling like an obligation to be in the committee. And that feeling is rather unpleasant.

Assignments are already piling in, and its only the fourth week. I'm only taking 2 subjects but i can't cope with it. Oh good gosh, what has happen to me.

Doesn't sound much i suppose, reading through the blog post. But i'm only one person, i can only take so much.

For now, i'm hoping that i don't have to give up on any of them. 

Persevere to the end.

Philippians 4:13
I am able to do all things in Him who empowers me.

One of my favorite verses.

till here,


Thursday 16 August 2012

A Challenge

With people leaving, it really got me thinking. Time has passed by so fast. With a blink of an eye, 19 years has gone by. Its as if i stood and watch time run by.

Till now, time is still passing by fast and it will pass by fast.

Time has been going by so fast, there are only 4 months left till the end of this year.By the end of this year, i would be flying off to another country to further my studies, if things work out of course. I'm going to be starting a new chapter of my life.

Before this, i've always thought i wasn't ready to venture into this part of my life. But, now, i'm ready. I cannot deny that i will miss Malaysia. Especially the friends, family and of course the food. Ha! being honest here, who doesn't love Malaysian food.

I won't say i've been through much, but definitely been through just enough. Can't say i'm all grown up but i'm still learning and making the mistakes i should be making.  :)

So now i'm ready for the next chapter of my life. It has finally sink in that i'm leaving.

here i come.

I don't know whether its the hunger, but just random thoughts, so i decide to blog. :)

Sunday 24 June 2012

A New Start

oh hi there.

A new blog equals a new start to life, as someone says. 
So, this is my new beginning.

Why this title?
Well, all of us needs a sense of confidence in our life. A sense of reassurance. Sometimes, even the smallest things, something unexpected creeps up secretly and grants you the confidence you need to move on with life. 
Hence, Silent Confidence is born. 

I hope i will put in some effort into constantly updating this. I have grown and matured in some ways, yet still the same, which i hope will show through this blog. 

SO hence, this shall be the opening post for this blog. Hurrah! 
